Newton’s Third Law of Physics

We live in two worlds—a physical world and a social/spiritual world.

In the physical world, we are bound by Newton’s third law of physics, which states, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

–If you throw a heavy ball or block away from your body, the force exerted will push back on you, possibly pushing you backward onto the ground.

–You find it hard to walk on a slippery surface because the only way you can walk forward is for your foot to push backward on the surface of the ground. Through friction, the ground is essentially “pushing back” against the force of your step.

–A rocket can be launched into space because the hot gases from it are being propelled downward from the rocket, causing the rocket to move upward with equal force.

Newton’s third law assures that for every action, there is no more and no less of an equal reaction. In the social/spiritual world however, Newton’s third law is thrown out the window. In the social/spiritual world, for every action an intensified and magnified reaction is returned.

If you love, you will receive more love than you gave. If you give, you will receive more money than you gave. If you help others, you will receive more help than you gave. If you smile, many smiles will be returned. And finally, if you give your short, temporary life to Christ, you will receive eternal life with him.

We are affected by two laws: Newton’s law and God’s law. We are bound by Newton’s law and can never get away from it. On the other hand, how we handle God’s law is our own choice. If you don’t want people to smile at you, simply go around with a frown. If you don’t want to be loved, be unlovable. If you don’t want to be helped, don’t offer to help others. If you don’t want to be blessed financially, hide what little money you have under your mattress.

And—if you don’t want eternal life with Christ, simply go about your life as if survival of the fittest is the only law in effect.

It’s all up to you. How are you  going to live your life?

About larryjtate

Author Larry J Tate, began writing short articles, primarily for his own enjoyment, and eventually turned to book writing. Larry's desire is to encourage others to listen to their innermost yearnings to know God.
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