Stony Brook’s New Calendar Angers Christians and Jews

Christian and Jewish students, faculty members and organizations are angry at the State University of New York for changing its academic calendar so that Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur will no longer be holidays and spring break will no longer be scheduled to overlap with Passover and Easter. The vice provost for undergraduate education said that the idea was to treat all religious groups the same (not offering any holidays as university holidays), while encouraging faculty members and others to be flexible with those whose observances require them to miss some classes. The justification for this new policy is supposedly an effort to be “respectful of all religions,” and to “be equally welcoming to everybody.”

The cancer known as Political Correctness is slowly but surely destroying our nation. In a supposed effort not to offend the delicate state-of-mind of non Christians and Jews, we are on a one-by-one basis outlawing any public observance of God.

About larryjtate

Author Larry J Tate, began writing short articles, primarily for his own enjoyment, and eventually turned to book writing. Larry's desire is to encourage others to listen to their innermost yearnings to know God.
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